Balcony Refurbishment

vessel balcony painted in dark green with white walls and sliding doors

Client: P&O (Carnival)

Industry: Marine

Scope: Balcony Refurbishment

Date: September 2013

Location: Germany

Products: RS 500P & RC 500GTC


The balconies on-board a cruise vessel were suffering from breakdown due to saltwater contamination attacking the present epoxy system and required to be completely refurbished.


A coating system capable of withstanding saltwater contamination was required. Abrasive blasting and water jetting were not permissible.

The balconies also had to be coated with a system exhibiting exceptional UV resistance, colour retention and a high gloss finish.


Mechanical preparation (St 2 standards) was chosen as the surface preparation method due to abrasive blasting and water jetting not being permissible. This removed the surface rust, giving a clean substrate for application of the Chemco priming system.

Epo-chem™ RS 500P, a multi-purpose, solvent-free, wet & rust tolerant epoxy, primer was first applied. This was followed by one topcoat of epoxy/acrylic Epo-chem™ RC 500GTC.


The client was very happy with the number of balconies coated during the docking period and, as a result, further vessels in their fleet will now be coated with the same system.

Utilising mechanical preparation significantly reduced the duration of this project as grit blasting did not need to be used. As a result, the H&S issues were also minimised.


  • No grit blasting
  • Reduced H&S and Fire Precautions
  • High gloss finish
  • Exceptional UV resistance and colour retention
  • No overcoating limitations
heavily corroded green balcony floor and white wall

Before Surface Preparation

vessel balcony painted in dark green with white walls and sliding doors

Completed Application

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