Ballast Tank Refurbishment
Two crude oil tankers required to have their ballast tanks refurbished. The vessel owner’s were looking for a solution which could be utilised whilst the vessel was at sea by a riding squad; thus saving substantial time and cost by eliminating the requirement of dry-docking.
There could be no disruption to vessel operations; therefore grit blasting and the use of solvent-based paints were prohibited. The only solution available would be to utilise water jetting and Chemco’s wet & rust tolerant coating system.
Water jetting was utilised as the surface preparation method. One stripe coat and primer coat of solventfree, wet & rust tolerant epoxy Epo-chem™ RS 500P was then applied. This was followed by one topcoat of solvent-free, wet tolerant, glassflake epoxy Epo-chem™ RA 500M.
This project could only be completed by utilising the innovative combination of water jetting and Chemco’s solvent-free, wet & rust tolerant coating range. Substantial time and cost savings were achieved by utilising this solution, uniquely offered by Chemco.
• Solvent-free
• No dry-docking requirements
• No grit blasting requirements
• No dehumidification or ventilation requirements
• Significantly reduced H&S and Fire Hazard
• No disruption to normal operating service of the vessel