Chemco Offers Huge Cost Savings

A project requiring thirteen ballast tanks to be completely refurbished resulted in huge time and cost savings being achieved by utilising our revolutionary solvent-free, wet & rust tolerant coating system.

The ballast tanks were showing signs of deterioration and required a new coating system which would cause no disruption to other on-going work within the vicinity. The client also required a system offering a 10 year guarantee.

Each tank was abrasive blasted to SA 2.5 standards. One stripe coat and primer coat of solvent-free, wet & rust tolerant epoxy Epo-chem™ RS 500P was then applied, followed by one stripe coat and one topcoat of solvent-free, wet tolerant epoxy Epo-chem™ RA 500M.

The solvent-free properties of this Chemco system allowed all other work being carried out within the vicinity to continue without disruption or delay, resulting in substantial time and cost savings being achieved.

Chemco’s IMO Approved specification was met by the contractors; therefore a 10 year guarantee was issues.

Utilising this system also offers the following benefits:

  • Reduced Health & Safety and Fire Precautions
  • No humidity of dew point restrictions
  • Flexibility with the surface preparation method (any method can be utilised: abrasive blast, water jetting or mechanical)
  • Quicker back-in-service times (system can continue to ‘cure’ underwater)
  • System can be applied on wet & rusty surfaces
completed internal grey paint application

Completed Application

completed internal grey paint application

Completed Application


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