Chemco Provides Unique Patch Repair Solution
Ten potable water tanks on Support Station 3 required to be patch repaired as the existing coating system had failed in some areas due to age. An alternative coating system was required to repair the damaged areas; therefore the new system had to be compatible with the existing coating system.
Utilising abrasive blasting would be impractical and would significantly increase the time and cost of the repair work. The useful life of the coating also had to be extended to 15 years.
All areas which required to be repaired, including weld seams and edges, were therefore mechanically prepared before being fresh water washed to remove salt and any other contamination.
One primer coat of solvent-free, wet & rust tolerant epoxy Epo-chem™ RS 500P was applied to all prepared areas. This was followed by one topcoat of solvent-free, wet tolerant epoxy Epo-chem™ RA 500M.
The repair works in the potable water tanks were successfully completed within the given time frame and the useful life of the tanks were extended to the required 15 years.
The wet & rust tolerant properties of this unique Chemco system allowed coating application to take place immediately after the surface preparation had been completed, resulting in substantial time and cost savings being achieved.
Utilising this system also allows the following benefits to be achieved:
- Solvent-free (odourless) coating system
- No abrasive blasting required – significant time and cost savings being achieved
- Reduced H&S and Fire Precautions
- Quick and easy patch repair work with no compatibility issues
- No humidity or dew point restrictions
- No disruption to other nearby ongoing work (including hot work)
- No over-coating limitations
- Chemco uniquely guarantee their patch repair work
After Surface Preparation
Completed Spot Repair
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