Crane Refurbishment – UK Power Station

chemco applicator spraying paint

Client: UK Power Station

Industry: Power Generation

Scope: Crane Refurbishment

Date: September 2015

Location: UK

Products: RL 500PF & RC 500GTC


An overhead crane at a power station on the South Coast of the UK was showing signs of corrosion damage after less than 6 years in operation. The gloss finish of the crane had also significantly faded.


The client was looking for a suitable coating system which could repair the corrosion damage and also restore the crane to its original gloss colour. Grit blasting was not permissible. The client was also looking for a coating system offering good chemical resistance to the harsh coastal environment.


High pressure water jetting was utilised to clean and prepare the surface for coating application. One primer coat of wet & rust tolerant Epo-chem™ RL 500PF was applied to all corroded areas. This was followed by one coat of highly chemical and UV resistant topcoat Epo-chem™ RC 500GTC over the full surface of the crane.


Substantial time and cost savings were achieved by utilising this unique system as grit blasting was not required. The outstanding UV resistance of Epo-chem™ RC 500GTC will ensure the crane receives long-term maintenance-free protection.


• Wet & rust tolerant primer
• No grit blasting requirements
• Excellent saltwater and UV resistance
• Exceptional colour retention properties
• Reduced H&S and Fire Hazard

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