Hot & Cold Water Pumps Repair

cold pump painted in blue sat on workbench

Client: KDHC

Industry: Power Generation

Scope: Hot & Cold Water Pumps Repair

Date: August 2016

Location: South Korea

Products: RF 900 & RP 500


After many years of utilising other ceramic systems, KDHC were searching for a new system which could improve the efficiency of their hot and cold water pumps.


KDHC were looking for a minimum 5% reduction in energy consumption. The chosen system would then be specified to coat all of their pumps. The hot water pump coating also had to be able to withstand temperatures up to 100°C.


Both the hot and cold water pumps were grit blasted to Sa 2½, before localised areas affected by pitting damage were filled using specialised metal repair putties. The hot water pumps received two coats of Hot-cote™ RF 900. The cold water pumps received two coats of Ceram-chem™ RP 500.


By utilising the Chemco technology, the overall energy consumption had decreased whilst the efficiency had increased by +16.3% and +15.7% respectively. All hot and cold water pumps under the control of KDHC will now be coated using Chemco’s solvent-free ceramic coating technology.


• Solvent-free
• Significantly increased pump efficiencies
• Energy consumption substantially reduced
• High temperature resistance (up to 210°C)
• Hard-wearing ceramic coatings with excellent abrasion and impact resistance

cold pump painted in blue sat on workbench

Completed Cold Pump

hot water pump painted in brown and in workshop

Completed Hot Pump

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