Pipeline Externals

Client: Dubai Electricity and Water Company

Industry: Petrochemical

Scope: Pipeline Externals

Date: January 2015

Location: UAE

Products: RS 500P & RC 500GTC 


Over 4,000m² of pipeline had to be refurbished after the existing coating was showing signs of age and deterioration.


Working in humid weather conditions. The project also had a tight time-frame for completion (9 days).


Abrasive blasting was used as the main surface preparation method with all welds and seams mechanically prepared. One spot coat and one primer coat of solvent-free, wet & rust tolerant epoxy Epochem™ RS 500P was applied. This was followed by one coat of high gloss/UV and chemically resistant topcoat Epo-chem™ RC 500GTC.


The project was completed within the given time frame, with no delays and to the complete satisfaction of all concerned. The unique characteristics of the Chemco topcoat will ensure high levels of gloss and colour retention and will also exhibit exceptional UV and chemical resistance.


• Solvent-free
• Wet & rust tolerant properties of primer coat
• Exceptional high gloss and colour retention topcoat
• Excellent chemical resistance
• No delays

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