RA 500UW-F
Solvent-free, wet tolerant, glassflake-reinforced protective filler.
Diver-cote™ RA 500UW-F is a solvent-free, wet tolerant, glassflake-reinforced epoxy filler specifically designed for application underwater – or in very wet areas – as a filler or crack repair compound for poorly prepared metal and concrete substrates.
- Solvent-free, wet tolerant
- Glassflake properties form an impermeable barrier to protect against corrosion
- Ideal for use on wet and saturated metal and concrete
- Can be applied to hand prepared or water-jetted surfaces
- No over-coating limitations
- Offers minimal dispersion during application, which in turn:
- reduces potential contamination of the environment
- helps to keep expensive diving suits and equipment clean
- improves accuracy as the diver’s vision is clearer for a longer period of time
- improves efficiency and productivity
- Will reduce the risk of MIC (Microbiological Induced Corrosion) and SRB (Sulphate Reducing Bacteria) as it doesn’t not contain the food ingredients contained in traditional solvent-borne systems which bacteria thrives on
- Exhibits long-term resistance to the marine environment
- Ideal product for use with other underwater application products such as Diver-stix™ and Diver-cote™