Stainless Steel Tank – Food Processing Plant
The stainless steel effluent tank was leaking as a result of the breakdown of the rubber lining and chemical attack of the tank structure.
The tank lining therefore had to be refurbished.
Ensuring effective adhesion between stainless steel and tank linings can be exceptionally difficult.
Thorough surface preparation must be undertaken and specialist coating systems must be used.
Ultra High Pressure (UHP) water jetting was used to remove the existing rubber lining and expose the steel structure. A soluble salt test was carried out, before the surface was further prepared with abrasive blasting to raise its profile.
All surfaces were vacuum cleaned, before a glassflake vinylester coating RC 364 was applied.
This specialist coating was followed by two coats of RB 332 to achieve a nominal thickness of 1000 microns.
The process effluent tank lining was successfully completed in 4 days, with application taking place around the clock.
Indirect oil fired heating was introduced to accelerate curing and ensure a quicker return-to-service.
• Outstanding adhesion to stainless steel
• Exceptional chemical and temperature resistance
• 100% solid system with no over-coating limitations
• Low maintenance and ease of repair