Steam Pipe Refurbishment

external pipes painted in red, white, black and gold

Client: Crude Oil Tanker

Industry: Marine

Scope: Steam Pipe Refurbishment

Date: December 2015

Location: Mediterranean Sea

Products: RL 500PF


The deck steam pipes onboard a crude oil tanker required to be renewed as the existing pipes were suffering from corrosion and the steel thickness was far below the minimum mandatory standard.

This project would be carried out by the ship’s riding squad whilst the vessel was at sea, under normal operating conditions.


The client was looking for a coating system with high temperature resistance and excellent thermal expansion and contraction capabilities which could provide long-term maintenance-free protection.

Grit blasting was also not permissible.


The new deck steam pipes were mechanically prepared.

This was followed by two coats of wet & rust tolerant epoxy Epo-chem™ RL 500PF.


The project was successfully completed whilst the vessel was at sea by the ship’s riding squad.

The unique characteristics of Epo-chem™ RL 500PF will provide a long-term, maintenance-free, performance.


• No grit blasting
• Wet & rust tolerant
• Can be applied and operate at 150°C
• Excellent thermal expansion and contraction characteristics
• No operational shutdown required for future maintenance work
• Long-term maintenance-free protection

bundle of heavily rusted pipes on red floor

Before Surface Preparation

external pipes painted in red, white, black and gold

Completed Application

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