Wall Coating – Cheese Manufacturing Plant
Client: Wall Coating – Cheese Manufacturing Plant
Industry: Industrial
Scope: Surface Walls
Date: December 2009
Location: UK
Products: RA 500M
The existing masonry production area walls (500m²) required a complete re-coat without any disruption to other areas of the plant. It also had to be carried out in a very tight timescale and have no odours. The surface finish had to be easy to wash and decontaminate seamless with food contact approval.
Working in a very restrictive area, limited timescale, minimal surface preparation, FDA approval, odourless product, combined with temperature variations added to the difficulty of the project.
Two coats of Chemco Epo-chem™ RA 500M solvent-free, wet tolerant glassflake epoxy system @ 200µ per coat applied by brush and roller.
The work was carried out on time, with no delays to the programme and no impact on other contractors working in close proximity. Since this project was completed, the client has specified the same system for similar plants in Northern Ireland.
• Solvent-free
• No major delays to program
• Reduced H&S and Fire Precaution
• No blasting or ventilation required
• Reduced cost of plant and equipment