Wastewater Tank Internal Refubishment

wastewater tank internal wall painted in white

Client: Wastewater Treatment Plant

Industry: Industrial

Scope: Wastewater Tank Internals

Date: February 2017

Location: UK

Products: RS 500P & RA 500M


The old coating of the wastewater tank internals had deteriorated, was suffering from corrosion damage and had to be refurbished.


Grit blasting could not be utilised for this project.

The new coating system had to be able to withstand a pH of 10.

Due to the outside temperature of the tank, there was a possibility that the internal surface of the tank could be sweating and therefore a moisture tolerant coating had to be used.


The substrate was prepared by water jetting to WJ-2/3 standard.

One stripe coat and one full coat of solvent-free, wet & rust tolerant epoxy RS 500P was applied.

This was followed by one stripe coat and one topcoat of solvent-free, wet tolerant, glassflake epoxy RA 500M.


The whole process was completed within 5 days; much quicker than would have been possible using conventional paints and grit blasting.

Substantial cost savings were supported by using the chosen Chemco system.


• Solvent-free
• Wet & rust tolerant
• No grit blasting required
• No humidity or dew point restrictions
• Reduced H&S and Fire Hazard
• Substantial time and cost savings

unpainted wastewater tank internal wall

Before Application

Before Application

During Priming

During Priming

Completed Application

Completed Application

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