Coal-tar Epoxy Patch Repair

paint spot repair in coal-tar tank

Client: V. Ships

Industry: Marine

Scope: Coal-tar Epoxy Patch Repair

Date: 2008

Location: Poland

Products: RS 500P & RA 500M


The ballast tanks on-board the Self Discharging Bulk Carrier had previously been coated with coal-tar epoxy. Areas within these ballast tanks were now showing signs of corrosion damage and required to be patch repaired.


To find a protective coating system which would be compatible with a coal-tar epoxy tank lining.


Chemco’s Epo-chem™ RS 500P (primer) & RA 500M (topcoat) were selected as the protective coating system to be utilised as it is uniquely compatible with coal-tar epoxies. The areas which required the patch repair were mechanically prepared by power tooling to St2 standards. Upon completion of the surface preparation, one coat of solvent-free, wet & rust tolerant Epo-chem™ RS 500P was applied to the prepared areas. This was followed by one topcoat of solvent-free, wet tolerant Epo-chem™ RA 500M.


The unique characteristics of Epo-chem™ RS 500P allowed the system to be applied with no compatibility issues and with strong adhesion to the coal-tar epoxy. The owners of this vessel are very satisfied with Chemco and issued a letter of recommendation. They also stated that after 5 years the coating is still in perfect condition.


• Solvent-free
• No grit blasting
• Rust tolerant properties of Epo-chem™ RS 500P
• Compatibility with coal-tar epoxy
• Reduced H&S and Fire Precaution
• Substantial time and cost savings

paint spot repair in coal-tar tank

Completed Patch Repair

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