Chemco International

Mansoor Khorasani

Founder & Non-Executive Chairman

Mansoor (a.k.a. Manny) founded the Company in 1990; having been closely associated with its same-site predecessor, the Glassflake Company; for almost ten years previously.

His engineering background and passion for making the impossible become possible, led to ground breaking surface tolerant technologies being developed throughout the nineties. Ever since the millennium twenty years ago, these have been the well proven and successful backbone of the business and have in turn continued to provide the income to facilitate further research and development.

In 2018, Manny achieved his dream by placing his successful Company into 100% Employee Ownership via a Trust, created for the sole benefit of employees. He appointed a new Managing Director and has since stepped back from day to day involvement, enjoying semi-retirement whilst remaining on hand, where necessary. He remains an inspiration and support to all at Chemco.

Colin Wade

Managing Director

Colin joined Chemco International in 2018, initially as a Consultant in the lead up to
100% Employee Ownership, a less usual variant of the business model and one which he had admired for a number of years.

With a science background, Colin has 30+ years’ experience of manufacturing technical products and marketing them internationally. His passion is for continuous improvement; especially in developing people and in converting any business weaknesses in to business strengths.

In 2020, Colin was awarded International Director of the Year by the Institute of Directors in Scotland.

Masoud Goodarzi

Technical Director

Masoud joined the business in 2002 and has been at the core of day to day activities across the Company ever since.

As the Company has grown, Masoud has been able to hand over some of his many responsibilities to dedicated Managers, most notably in areas such as Operations, SHEQ (safety, health, environment and quality systems) and Business Management.

This has enabled Masoud to focus much of his time on Techno-Commercial support, both externally and internally; the business benefiting from the resulting sales growth.

Still and more often than not, Masoud is the established ‘go-to’ when there is an urgent problem to be solved!

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