A New Era in Industrial Protective Coatings…
Chemco is a world leader in innovative coating solutions with over 35 years’ experience in manufacturing high quality, problem solving, speciality coatings and polymers for Industrial applications.
Our unique coating systems consist of solvent-free, solvent & water-borne technology. They have been successfully utilised as a solution to a wide range of anti-corrosion problems across all industries.
Our solvent-free, wet & rust tolerant range of coatings has over 15 years of proven success, and have truly revolutionised the coatings industry. Environmental concern and high costs of grit blasting have now forced the industry to move towards more environmentally friendly water blasting, with Chemco’s innovative technology now makes such ideas a reality. Major cost savings can now also be achieved through the reduced equipment requirements and contract duration.
These are the coatings of the future; complying with – and often exceeding – Health & Safety and Environmental legislation requirements. It is our aim to provide the coatings industry with the most advanced technology in the market, whilst extending service life, reducing environmental damage, maintenance and repair costs.
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